An Apple a Day

Tired of the morning lag?  Tired of downing cups of coffee, which, in spite of it’s great taste, has some rather unpleasant side effects?  First, it can make you jittery and wired, can give you a gross crash when it wears off.  It is very addicting, ask any coffee drinker what happens on the morning they skip their daily dose.  Headaches that will make you want to weep!

So what is our alternative for the caffeine junky in us all?

Well you know the old adage “An apple a day keeps the Doctor away”?  Well eat an apple a day and say good bye to coffee!

The natural sugars in the apple with give you a healthy boost of energy with out the addicting side effects of coffee.  There is no fast acting sugar rush, since in the process of eating the apple the fructose (natural simple sugar) is introduced to your blood stream at a nice even pace.  No nasty sugar rush like candy or even like coffee can.

So, no addiction, no nasty let down once the initial caffeine rush is over and best of all, no nasty yellow teeth!

Method Makeup Academy, Sacramento’s Makeup School